His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulydej the Great usually looked at problems from the macro level first. But in solving them, he would always start from the micro level by tackling immediate problems that most people tended to overlook, as reflected in an excerpt of his speech, as follows:
“…If you have a headache, you won’t be able to think about anything… In that case, you have to take care of the headache first…
…That is not the real situation to the problem but you have to get rid of the headache first so that you will be in a condition where you are able to think…
…In solving problems from macrocosm, one has to pull down everything. I don’t agree with this.
…An example can be seen in a house in a dilapidated state… its many parts are in ruins and it is not worth repairing…
…The whole house has to be demolished… but then where are we going to live… our dwelling place is gone.
…Repair has to be made bit by bit; the whole structure should not be pulled down…””