On this occasion, Mr. Dnuja Sindhvananda, Secretary-General of the Royal Development Projects Board presented the report on implementation progress of the project according to H.R.H’s given on 24 March 1995 four implementation guidelines in 4 ways including
1) To consider improving the area to be a site and for studying nature with a clear identification of patterns methods beginning from a small area and extending to other areas later
2) To consider conducting a thorough survey on both biological and physical resources in the area as well as gathering all information
3) To consider studying and researching the collected survey results and information in order to be used for the benefit on academic knowledge as well as the application of the academic knowledge among the local people
4) To incorporate the local people in every step of implementation. Moreover, in responding the royal initiatives, on 16 January 2018, the Royal-initiated Natural Botanical Park Project is implemented in the form of a royal development study centre and set up as a centre branch of the Huai Sai Royal Development Study Centre, Phetchaburi Province. And, in 2018 and 2019, the Office of the Royal Development Projects Board has been provided budget for implementation work as well as set up management plan to increase usefulness of the Royal-initiated Natural Botanical Park Project and to created connection with the royal development study centre. For the next phase of implementation, 3-years master plan (2019-2021) has been formulated with several aspects including Infrastructure Development, Promotion of Research on Natural Resources, People’s Quality of Life Development, Natural Restoration as well as Academic Service to be the framework for implementation in responding to the royal initiatives.

Cr :photo rdpb