On Wednesday 15 June 2022 at 10.00 - 11.00 hrs., Ms. Thantitta Nakornthap, Director of Foreign Affairs Group, gave a briefing on “Sustainable Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) Application in Community and Business” to the participants of the Online International Training Programme under the theme of “Thailand Next Move : Infrastructure, Industry and Innovation in Economic and Environmental Challenges”, organized under the cooperation between the Academic Service Centre, Bhurapha University and Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The briefing was broadcasted via ZOOM Cloud Meeting Application to 42 participants from 18 countries such as Pakistan, Niger, Indonesia, Cambodia , Iraq, etc.
The Participants were interested in the topic of the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and asked about the linkage between the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and Glocalization. The participants agree that the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy would be the way to achieve Glocalization.
“Thailand Next Move : Infrastructure, Industry and Innovation in Economic and Environmental Challenges”