Other types of Royal Development Projects involve the projects apart from the above mentioned seven categories; for example, the Royal Development Study Centres Project which involves six centres, the project on construction of dams to prevent erosion from the sea water in Phetchaburi Province, as well as the projects on study and research of land management and development.
โครงการศึกษาวิจัยและพัฒนาสิ่งแวดล้อมแหลมผักเบี้ยอันเนื่องมาจากพระราชดำริ จังหวัดเพชรบุรี
“…Another important problem concerns the environment. The matter of pollution and garbage has been studied. Solutions are not difficult. There is technology to do the job. It can be done in Thailand. We can introduce the technology into Thailand from abroad, or foreign companies may be hired to do the work. I am thinking of doing so, but still have to find the location for this…”

This royal speech gave rise to the “Royal-initiated Laem Phak Bia Environmental Study, Research and Development Project” at Phetchaburi Province. The aims of the project are to study and research the ways to dispose garbage and the means to treat polluted water while rehabilitating the environment. His Majesty is well aware that the environmental problems have provoked numerous impacts and have increasingly accumulated. The way of living of the people has been seriously affected by crises resulting from severe and rapid deterioration of the environment. |