In order to study, analyze, plan and coordinate the cooperation with various agencies to fulfill the objectives of the projects consistent with His Majesty's initiatives, the procedures of operation are as follows:
1. Study of information :
2. On-site information gathering:
3. Study and drafting of project:
4. Implementation
5. Monitoring and evaluation
1. Study of information :

Before His Majesty the King visits a particular area, he will study the information from provided documents and maps in order to learn of the detailed conditions of the are |
2. On-site information gathering:
When His Majesty and the royal procession arrive at the site, he will collect more information for facts and the latest data by :
1. interviewing the local people with regards to occupations, conditions of the villages, as well as topographical, climatic conditions and water sources;
2. conducting a survey of the designated location of the project to identify potential development;
3. discussing related matters with concerned officials. After studying the documents and the survey, His Majesty immediately meets with concerned officials to discuss the feasibility of the project in terms of expected benefits and cost-effectiveness.

3. Study and drafting of project:
From His Majesty's initiatives, the agencies concerned will seek more information to plan the operation or draft the master plan consistent with His Majesty's initiatives.

To leave room for others to manoeuvre, His Majesty always insists that his initiatives are only suggestions. After his initiatives have been stated, the concerned government officials have the task of studying and analyzing them with careful consideration based on technical principles. If the proposed projects are regarded feasible in terms of benefits and cost- effectiveness, the government may follow suit. By contrast, if the projects do not seem suitable in whatever way, the government has the right to abandon them. |
4. Implementation:

If His Majesty's initiatives are feasible, the Office of the Royal Development Projects Board (RDPB) will coordinate with various agencies and assign to them the task of drafting the details of the plans and projects. Afterwards, the Office will study and analyze the proposed plan and budget for use in the operation and to make sure that they will be implemented effectively and in line with the objectives of the plan according to His Majesty's initiatives. In some cases, a central organization which consists of officials from the concerned agencies is established to be in charge of the task. |
5. Monitoring and evaluation :
After a period of project implementation by the agency, the ORDPB will periodically monitor and evaluate the work. In addition, His Majesty the King will return to the project site every time he has a chance, in order to monitor and observe the progress. If he encounters any problems or obstacles, he will give suggestions for the solutions. |